Canaries in a coal mine: using globular clusters to place limits on massive black holes in the galactic halo

Nov, 1998
34 pages
Published in:
  • Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 306 (1999) 257

Citations per year

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Abstract: (arXiv)
We explore the possibility that massive black holes comprise a significant fraction of the dark matter of our galaxy by studying the dissolution of galactic globular clusters bombarded by them. In our simulations, we evolve the clusters along a sequence of King models determined by changes of state resulting from collisions with the black holes. The results divide naturally into regimes of `small' and `large' black hole mass. `Small' black holes do not destroy clusters in single collisions: their effect is primarily cumulative, leading to a relation between \mbh and \fhalo, the fraction of the halo in black holes of mass \mbh, which is \fhalo\mbh < constant (up to logarithmic corrections). For \fhalo=1, we find \mbh \simless 10^{3} \msun by requiring survival of the same clusters studied by Moore (1993), who neglected cluster evolution, mass loss, and stochasticity of energy inputs in his estimates, but reached a similar conclusion. `Large' black holes may not penetrate a cluster without disrupting it: their effect is mainly catastrophic (close collisions), but also partly cumulative (distant collisions). In the large \mbh limit, \fhalo (but not \mbh) can be constrained by computing the probability that a cluster survives a combination of close, destructive encounters and distant, nondestructive encounters. We find that it is unlikely that \fhalo \simgreat 0.3 by requiring 50 per cent survival probability for Moore's clusters over 101010^{10} years.
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