Nonergodic behaviour of the k body embedded Gaussian random ensembles for bosons
Jul, 2001
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We investigate the shape of the spectrum and the spectral fluctuations of the -body Embedded Gaussian Ensemble for Bosons in the dense limit, where the number of Bosons while both , the rank of the interaction, and , the number of single-particle states, are kept fixed. We show that the relative fluctuations of the low spectral moments do not vanish in this limit, proving that the ensemble is non-ergodic. Numerical simulations yield spectra which display a strong tendency towards picket-fence type. The wave functions also deviate from canonical random-matrix behaviourNote:
- 7 pages, 5 figures, uses epl.cls (included) Subj-class: Condensed Matter; Chaotic Dynamics