Exact replica treatment of nonHermitean complex random matrices

Nov, 2003
18 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
Recently discovered exact integrability of zero-dimensional replica field theories [E. Kanzieper, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 250201 (2002)] is examined in the context of Ginibre Unitary Ensemble of non-Hermitean random matrices (GinUE). In particular, various nonperturbative fermionic replica partition functions for this random matrix model are shown to belong to a positive, semi-infinite Toda Lattice Hierarchy which, upon its Painleve reduction, yields exact expressions for the mean level density and the density-density correlation function in both bulk of the complex spectrum and near its edges. Comparison is made with an approximate treatment of non-Hermitean disordered Hamiltonians based on the replica symmetry breaking ansatz. A difference between our replica approach and a framework exploiting the replica limit of an infinite (supersymmetric) Toda Lattice equation is also discussed.
  • Published in: Frontiers in Field Theory. Edited by O. Kovras. Ch. 3, pp. 23 51. Nova Science Publishers, NY 2005. (ISBN: 1-59454-127-2)
  • Invited contribution to 'Progress in Field Theory', Nova Science Publishers, 2004
  • Dedicated to the memory of Professor Iya Ipatova: (v3: published version, references updated) Subj-class: Disordered Systems and Neural Networks: Statistical Mechanics: Mathematical Physics: Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems Journal-ref: Published in: Frontiers in Field Theory, edited by O. Kovras, Ch. 3, pp. 23 -- 51 (Nova Science Publishers, NY 2005). ISBN: 1-59454-127-2