Effective field theory of boson-fermion mixtures and bound fermion states on a vortex of boson superfluid

Dec, 2005
13 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.A 74 (2006) 013615
Report number:
  • INT-PUB-05-31,
  • TKYNT-05-31

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We construct a Galilean invariant low-energy effective field theory of boson-fermion mixtures and study bound fermion states on a vortex of boson superfluid. We derive a simple criterion to determine for which values of the fermion angular momentum l there exist an infinite number of bound energy levels. We apply our formalism to two boson-fermion mixed systems: the dilute solution of He3 in He4 superfluid and the cold polarized Fermi gas on the BEC side of the splitting point. For the He3-He4 mixture, we determine parameters of the effective theory from experimental data as functions of pressure. We predict that infinitely many bound He3 states on a superfluid vortex with l=-2,-1,0 are realized in a whole range of pressure, 0\sim20 atm, where experimental data are available. As for the cold polarized Fermi gas, while only S-wave (l=0) and P-wave (l=\pm1) bound fermion states are possible in the BEC limit, those with higher negative angular momentum become available as one moves away from the BEC limit.
  • 67.60.Fp
  • 03.65.Ge
  • 03.75.Lm
  • 03.75.Ss