Fluctuation-induced forces in periodic slabs: Breakdown of epsilon expansion at the bulk critical point and revised field theory
May, 2006
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Systems described by -component models in a slab geometry of finite thickness are considered at and above their bulk critical temperature . The renormalization-group improved perturbation theory commonly employed to investigate the fluctuation-induced forces (``thermodynamic Casimir effect'') in bulk dimensions is re-examined. It is found to be ill-defined beyond two-loop order because of infrared singularities when the boundary conditions are such that the free propagator in slab geometry involves a zero-energy mode at bulk criticality. This applies to periodic boundary conditions and the special-special ones corresponding to the critical enhancement of the surface interactions on both confining plates. The field theory is reorganized such that a small- expansion results which remains well behaved down to . The leading contributions to the critical Casimir amplitudes and beyond two-loop order are , where is the value of the renormalized coupling at the infrared-stable fixed point. Besides integer powers of , the small- expansions of these amplitudes involve fractional powers , with , and powers of . Explicit results to order are presented for and , which are used to estimate their values at .Note:
- 7 pages, latex with epl stylefiles Subj-class: Statistical Mechanics: Soft Condensed Matter
- 68.15.+e
- 11.10.-z
- 05.70.Jk