Polynomial relations in the Heisenberg algebra

Mar 4, 1994
10 pages
Published in:
  • J.Math.Phys. 35 (1994) 6144-6149
Report number:
  • CRN-94-08,
  • IFUNAM-FT-94-41

Citations per year

Abstract: (AIP)
Polynomial relations between the generators of the classical and quantum Heisenberg algebras are presented. Some of those relations can have the meaning of the formulas of the normal ordering for the creation/annihilation operators which occur in the method of the second quantization. Polynomial relations of a special type invariant under quantization and q deformation are discovered.
  • 10 pages, Preprint CRN 94/08 and IFUNAM FT 94-41 (corrected), LaTeX The title is changed, the paper is expanded, extra references are added, typos are corrected