Abstract: (arXiv)
In the present work the detection, by means of a nondemolition measurement, of a Yukawa term, coexisting simultaneously with gravity, has been considered. In other words, a nondemolition variable for the case of a particle immersed in a gravitational field containing a Yukawa term is obtained. Afterwards the continuous monitoring of this nondemolition parameter is analyzed, the corresponding propagator is evaluated, and the probabilities associated with the possible measurement outputs are found. The relevance of these kind of proposals in connection with some unified theories of elementary particles has been underlined.
  • Accepted in 'Exact Solutions and Scalar Fields in Gravity: Recent Developments', A. Macias, J. Cervantes-Cota and C. Lammerzahl, eds., Kluwer Academic Publishing
  • potential: gravitation
  • potential: Yukawa
  • propagator
  • quantum mechanics: measurement
  • path integral