An analysis of helium primordial nucleosynthesis with a variable cosmological coupling

May, 2001
10 pages
Published in:
  • Braz.J.Phys. 31 (2001) 546-551

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
The synthesis of helium in the early Universe depends on many input parameters, including the value of the gravitational coupling during the period when the nucleosynthesis takes place. We compute the primordial abundance of helium as function of the gravitational coupling, using a semi-analytical method, in order to track the influence of GG in the primordial nucleosynthesis. To be specific, we construct a cosmological model with varying GG, using the Brans-Dicke theory. The greater the value of GG at nucleosynthesis period, the greater the abundance of helium predicted. Using the observational data for the abundance of the primordial helium, constraints for the time variation of GG are established.
  • Latex file, 10 pages
  • cosmological model
  • light nucleus: production
  • helium: density
  • Brans-Dicke model
  • gravitation: fundamental constant
  • time dependence
  • cosmic background radiation: anisotropy
  • numerical calculations: interpretation of experiments