Self-similar Bianchi models: II. Class B models
Nov, 2004Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
In a companion article (referred hearafter as paper I) a detailed study of the simply transitive Spatially Homogeneous (SH) models of class A concerning the existence of a simply transitive similarity group has been given. The present work (paper II) continues and completes the above study by considering the remaining set of class B models. Following the procedure of paper I we find all SH models of class B subjected only to the minimal geometric assumption to admit a proper Homothetic Vector Field (HVF). The physical implications of the obtained geometric results are studied by specialising our considerations to the case of vacuum and law perfect fluid models. As a result we regain all the known exact solutions regarding vacuum and non-tilted perfect fluid models. In the case of tilted fluids we find the \emph{general }self-similar solution for the exceptional type VI model and we identify it as equilibrium point in the corresponding dynamical state space. It is found that this \emph{new} exact solution belongs to the subclass of models , is defined for and although has a five dimensional stable manifold there exist always two unstable modes in the restricted state space. Furthermore the analysis of the remaining types, guarantees that tilted perfect fluid models of types III, IV, V and VII cannot admit a proper HVF strongly suggesting that these models either may not be asymptotically self-similar (type V) or may be extreme tilted at late times. Finally for each Bianchi type, we give the extreme tilted equilibrium points of their state space.- 04.20.Ha
- 04.20.Nr
- 98.80.-k
- 04.20.Jb