On the quantum origin of the seeds of cosmic structure
Aug, 2005
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
The current understanding of the quantum origin of cosmic structure is discussed critically. We point out that in the existing treatments a transition from a symmetric quantum state to an (essentially classical) non-symmetric state is implicitly assumed, but not specified or analyzed in any detail. In facing the issue we are led to conclude that new physics is required to explain the apparent predictive power of the usual schemes. Furthermore we show that the novel way of looking at the relevant issues opens new windows from where relevant information might be extracted regarding cosmological issues and perhaps even clues about aspects of quantum gravity.Note:
- replacement with final version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity
- 03.65.Ta
- 98.80.Cq
- 98.80.Bp
- inflation
- cosmological model
- fluctuation: linear
- quantum mechanics
- decoherence
- multiverse
- collapse