Exotic statistics for strings in 4d BF theory

Mar, 2006
43 pages
Published in:
  • Adv.Theor.Math.Phys. 11 (2007) 5, 707-749
  • Published: Oct, 2007

Citations per year

Abstract: (International Press)
After a review of exotic statistics for point particles in 3d BF theory, andespecially 3d quantum gravity, we show that string-like defects in 4d BF theoryobey exotic statistics governed by the “loop braid group”. This group has a setof generators that switch two strings just as one would normally switch pointparticles, but also a set of generators that switch two strings by passing onethrough the other. The first set generates a copy of the symmetric group, whilethe second generates a copy of the braid group. Thanks to recent work ofXiao-Song Lin, we can give a presentation of the whole loop braid group, whichturns out to be isomorphic to the “braid permutation group” of Fenn, Rimányi,and Rourke. In the context of 4d BF theory, this group naturally acts on themoduli space of flat GG-bundles on the complement of a collection of unlinkedunknotted circles in R3\mathbb{R}^3. When GG is unimodular, this gives a unitaryrepresentation of the loop braid group. We also discuss “quandle field theory”,in which the gauge group GG is replaced by a quandle.
  • 41 pages, many figures. New version has minor corrections and clarifications, and some added references Subj-class: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology: Geometric Topology
  • quantum gravity
  • dimension: 3
  • statistics: exotic
  • field theory: topological
  • BF model
  • defect
  • dimension: 4
  • braid group
  • moduli space
  • loop space