Decoherence of homogeneous and isotropic geometries in the presence of massive vector fields

Jul, 1993
5 pages
Report number:
  • DFFCUL-01-07-1993,
  • DF-IST-12-93

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
Decoherence of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) geometries due to massive vector fields with SO(3)SO(3) global symmetry is discussed in the context of Quantum Cosmology. (Talk presented at the 3rd National Meeting of Astronomy and Astrophysics, July 1993, IST, Lisboa, Portugal. -- A more complete version will be presented at MG7 conference and in the report CERN-TH.7241/94 DAMTP R-94/22 by the same authors)
  • talk: Lisbon 1993/07
  • space-time
  • Friedman model
  • field theory: vector
  • field theory: massive
  • massive: field theory
  • Hamiltonian formalism
  • effective action
  • Wheeler-DeWitt equation