Nonlinear instability of Kerr type Cauchy horizons

Jan, 1995
11 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 51 (1995) 4177-4186
Report number:
  • NCL-94-TP-13,
  • NCL94-TP13

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
Using the general solution to the Einstein equations on intersecting null surfaces developed by Hayward, we investigate the non-linear instability of the Cauchy horizon inside a realistic black hole. Making a minimal assumption about the free gravitational data allows us to solve the field equations along a null surface crossing the Cauchy Horizon. As in the spherical case, the results indicate that a diverging influx of gravitational energy, in concert with an outflux across the CH, is responsible for the singularity. The spacetime is asymptotically Petrov type N, the same algebraic type as a gravitational shock wave. Implications for the continuation of spacetime through the singularity are briefly discussed.
  • 11 pages RevTeX, two postscript figures included using epsf.sty