Loss of quantum coherence and positivity of energy density in semiclassical quantum gravity

Jul, 1998
6 pages
Report number:
  • SNUTP-98-004

Citations per year

0 Citations
Abstract: (arXiv)
In the semiclassical quantum gravity derived from the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, the energy density of a matter field loses quantum coherence due to the induced gauge potential from the parametric interaction with gravity in a non-static spacetime. It is further shown that the energy density takes only positive values and makes superposition principle hold true. By studying a minimal massive scalar field in a FRW spacetime background, we illustrate the positivity of energy density and obtain the classical Hamiltonian of a complex field from the energy density in coherent states.
  • quantum gravity: semiclassical
  • Wheeler-DeWitt equation
  • matter
  • coherence
  • energy: density
  • field theory: scalar
  • massive
  • space-time: Robertson-Walker