Einstein Yang-Mills solitons: Towards new degrees of freedom
Jul, 199813 pages
Part of Current topics in mathematical cosmology. Proceedings, International Seminar, ISMC'98, Potsdam, Germany, March 30-April 4, 1998, 97-108
Contribution to:
- gr-qc/9808002 [gr-qc]
Report number:
- YITP-98-47
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Abstract: (arXiv)
A recent progress in obtaining non-spherical and non-static solitons in the four-dimensional Einstein--Yang--Mills (EYM) theory is discussed, and a non-perturbative formulation of the stationary axisymmetric problem is attempted. First a 2D dilaton gravity model is derived for the spherically symmetric time-dependent configurations. Then a similar Euclidean representation is constructed for the stationary axisymmetric non-circular SU(2) EYM system using the (2+1)+1 reduction scheme suggested by Maeda, Sasaki, Nakamura and Miyama. The crucial role in this reduction is played by the extra terms entering the reduced Yang--Mills and Kaluza--Klein two-forms similarly to Chern--Simons terms in the theories with higher rank antisymmetric tensor fields. We also derive a simple 2D action describing static axisymmetric magnetic EYM configurations and discuss a possibility of existence of cylindrical EYM sphalerons.Note:
- Extended version
- talk: Potsdam 1998/03/30
- gauge field theory: SU(2)
- Einstein equation
- soliton
- symmetry: axial
- symmetry: cylinder
- gravitation: dilaton
- dimension: 2
- representation: Euclidean
- dimensional reduction