Black holes: Classical properties, thermodynamics and heuristic quantization

Jul, 1998
41 pages
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Abstract: (arXiv)
I discuss the no hair principle, the recently found hairy solutions, generic properties of nonvacuum spherical static black holes, and the new no scalar hair theorems. I go into the generic phenomenon of superradiance, first uniform linear motion superradiance, then Kerr black hole superradiance, and finally general rotational superradiance and its possible applications in the laboratory. I show that the horizon area of a nearly stationary black hole can be regarded as an adiabatic invariant. This invariance suggests that quantum horizon area is quantized in multiples of a basic unit. Consideration of the quantum version of the Christodoulou reversible processes provides support for this idea. Horizon area quantization dictates a definite discrete black hole mass spectrum, so that Hawking's semiclassical spectrum is predicted to be replaced by a spectrum of nearly uniformly spaced lines whose envelope is roughly Planckian. Line natural broadening seems not enough to wash out the lines. To check on the possibility of line splitting, I present a simple algebra involving, among other operators, the black hole observables. Under simple assumptions it also leads to the uniformly spaced area spectrum.
  • Cosmology and Gravitation. Edited by M. Novello. (Atlantisciences, France 2000), pp. 1-85
  • LaTeX, 44 pages, 4 eps figs. and conf_cg.sty included. Lectures delivered at the IX Brazilian School on Cosmology and Gravitation, Rio de Janeiro 7-8/98. Updated references and positioning on page corrected Journal-ref: in Cosmology and Gravitation, M. Novello, ed. (Atlantisciences, France 2000), pp. 1-85
  • lectures: Rio de Janeiro 1998/07/27
  • black hole: hair
  • black hole: horizon
  • invariance: adiabatic
  • quantization
  • mass spectrum
  • spectrum: discrete
  • thermodynamics
  • superradiance
  • bibliography