Choice of gauge in quantum gravity
Mar, 19998 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B Proc.Suppl. 80 (2000) CD-ROM contents, 12/13
- gr-qc/9903089 [gr-qc]
Report number:
- BUTP-99-5
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Abstract: (arXiv)
This paper is an extended version of the talk given at 19th Texas Symposium of Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, Paris, 1998. It reviews of some recent work; mathematical details are skipped. It is well-known that a choice of gauge in generally covariant models has a twofold pupose: not only to render the dynamics unique, but also to define the spacetime points. A geometric way of choosing gauge that is not based on coordinate conditions---the so-called covariant gauge fixing---is described. After a covariant gauge fixing, the dynamics is unique and the background manifold points are well-defined, but the description remains invariant with respect to all diffeomorphisms of the background manifold. Transformations between different covariant gauge fixings form the well-known Bergmann-Komar group. Each covariant gauge fixing determines a so-called Kucha\v{r} decomposition. The construction of the quantum theory is based on the Kucha\v{r} form of the action and the Dirac method of operator constraints. It is demonstrated that the Bergmann-Komar group is too large to be implementable by unitary maps in the quantum domain.- talk: Paris 1998/12
- quantum gravity
- gauge field theory
- gauge fixing
- invariance: gauge
- diffeomorphism: invariance
- space-time: background
- group theory: Bergmann-Komar
- operator: Dirac