Proof of the symmetry of the off diagonal Hadamard / Seeley-deWitt's coefficients in C infinity Lorentzian manifolds by a 'local Wick rotation'

Aug, 1999
34 pages
Published in:
  • Commun.Math.Phys. 212 (2000) 165-189
Report number:
  • UTM-557

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
Completing the results obtained in a previous paper, we prove the symmetry of Hadamard/Seeley-deWitt off-diagonal coefficients in smooth DD-dimensional Lorentzian manifolds. To this end, it is shown that, in any Lorentzian manifold, a sort of ``local Wick rotation'' of the metric can be performed provided the metric is a locally analytic function of the coordinates and the coordinates are ``physical''. No time-like Killing field is necessary. Such a local Wick rotation analytically continues the Lorentzian metric in a neighborhood of any point, or, more generally, in a neighborhood of a space-like (Cauchy) hypersurface, into a Riemannian metric. The continuation locally preserves geodesically convex neighborhoods. In order to make rigorous the procedure, the concept of a complex pseudo-Riemannian (not Hermitian or K\"ahlerian) manifold is introduced and some features are analyzed. Using these tools, the symmetry of Hadamard/Seeley-deWitt off-diagonal coefficients is proven in Lorentzian analytical manifolds by analytical continuation of the (symmetric) Riemannian heat-kernel coefficients. This continuation is performed in geodesically convex neighborhoods in common with both the metrics. Then, the symmetry is generalized to CC^\infty non analytic Lorentzian manifolds by approximating Lorentzian CC^{\infty} metrics by analytic metrics in common geodesically convex neighborhoods. The symmetry requirement plays a central r\^{o}le in the point-splitting renormalization procedure of the one-loop stress-energy tensor in curved spacetimes for Hadamard quantum states.
  • 30 pages, LaTeX, no figures, shortened version, minor errors corrected a note added. To appear in Commun. Math. Phys Report-no: UTM 557 Subj-class: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology; Mathematical Physics
  • space-time
  • any-dimensional
  • analytic properties
  • differential geometry