R modes in superfluid neutron stars

Sep, 1999
15 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 61 (2000) 104003

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
The analogs of r-modes in superfluid neutron stars are studied here. These modes, which are governed primarily by the Coriolis force, are identical to their ordinary-fluid counterparts at the lowest order in the small angular-velocity expansion used here. The equations that determine the next order terms are derived and solved numerically for fairly realistic superfluid neutron-star models. The damping of these modes by superfluid ``mutual friction'' (which vanishes at the lowest order in this expansion) is found to have a characteristic time-scale of about 10^4 s for the m=2 r-mode in a ``typical'' superfluid neutron-star model. This time-scale is far too long to allow mutual friction to suppress the recently discovered gravitational radiation driven instability in the r-modes. However, the strength of the mutual friction damping depends very sensitively on the details of the neutron-star core superfluid. A small fraction of the presently acceptable range of superfluid models have characteristic mutual friction damping times that are short enough (i.e. shorter than about 5 s) to suppress the gravitational radiation driven instability completely.
  • n: matter
  • superfluid
  • energy loss
  • stability
  • hydrodynamics
  • velocity: expansion
  • matter: oscillation
  • gravitational radiation
  • numerical calculations