Abstract: (arXiv)
We study the implications of a scalar-tensorial gravity for the metric of an isolated self-gravitating superconducting cosmic string. These modifications are induced by an arbitrary coupling of a massless scalar field to the usual tensorial field in the gravitational Lagrangian. We derive the metric in the weak-field approximation and we analyse the behaviour of light in this spacetime. We end with some discussions.
  • Based on a talk COSMO 99: 3rd International Conference on Particle Physics and the Early Universe, Trieste, Italy, 27 Sep - 3 Oct, 1999
  • 12 pp, Latex, no figures, based on a talk given by M. E. X. Guimaraes at the COSMO 99, 27/9 to 02/10/99, ICTP, Trieste, It
  • astrophysics: string
  • dilaton
  • gravitation: scalar
  • gravitation: tensor
  • vortex: superconductivity
  • approximation: weak field
  • gauge field theory: U(1) x U(1)
  • spontaneous symmetry breaking
  • photon: beam
  • π 2 (1 + m2 ln l Br0 ) - m2 ν] - π, (27) where we have defined the quantity ν as ν ≡ - 1 0 ln s √ 1 - s2 ds ∼ 1.08879 with s ≡ l Br0 ( r r0 )m2-1. 9 P. Pete 48 (199Rev. D 3)
    • D. Puy
    • Phys.
    • [5546]
      IV. Discussions and Conclusion: In this work we have considered a superconducting vortex arising from a U(1)×U′ (1) model coupled to a scalar-tensorial gravity. We found the metric in the weak-field approximation. As expected, the dilaton contributes to the observable quantities (e.g., the deficit angle), albeit in this approximation its contribution is very small. In particular, the deficit angle given by expression (27) depends explicitly on the current and the dilaton, although eq. (27) is very difficult to be analysed. In summary, the results found in the present work deserve further numerical analysis, which is being done currently10. 10 M.E.X.G. and J.A. Helayël-Neto, in preparation
      • C.N. Ferreira