Citations per year

The CLEO-III Detector upgrade for charged particle identification is discussed. The RICH design uses solid LiF crystal radiators coupled with multi-wire chamber photon detectors, using TEA as the photosensor, and low-noise Viking readout electronics. Results from our beam test at Fermilab are presented.
  • Invited talk by R.J. Mountain at ``The 3rd International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors," a research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation, Ein-Gedi, Dead-Sea, Israel, Nov. 15-20, 1998, 14 pages, 9 figures Report-no: HEPSY 99-2
  • talk: Ein Gedi 1998/11/15
  • particle identification: (K pi)
  • RICH
  • Cherenkov counter: crystal
  • lithium: fluorine
  • drift chamber: wire
  • organic compounds: gas
  • electronics: readout
  • CLEO
  • Cornell CESR Stor