Charged particle production in the Pb + Pb system at 158-Gev/c per nucleon
Dec, 1999
Citations per year
Charged particle multiplicities from high multiplicity central interactions of 158 GeV/nucleon Pb ions with Pb target nuclei have been measured in the central and far forward projectile spectator regions using emulsion chambers. Multiplicities are significantly lower than predicted by Monte Carlo simulations. We examine the shape of the pseudorapidity distribution and its dependence on centrality in detail.Note:
- 17 pages text plus 12 figures in postscript 12/23/99 -- Add TeX version of source
- scattering: heavy ion
- lead
- multiple production
- charged particle: multiplicity
- dependence: impact parameter
- rapidity spectrum
- numerical calculations: Monte Carlo
- nuclear emulsion: experimental results
- bibliography