Heavy quark lifetimes, mixing and CP violation

Dec, 1999

Citations per year

This paper emphasizes four topics that represent some of the year's highlights in heavy quark physics. First of all, a review is given of charm lifetime measurements and how they lead to better understanding of the mechanisms of charm decay. Secondly, the CLEO collaboration's new search for charm mixing is reported, which significantly extends the search for new physics in that sector. Thirdly, important updates in Bs mixing are summarized, which result in a new limit on the mass difference, and which further constrain the unitarity triangle. Finally, the first efforts to measure CP violation in the B system are discussed. Results are shown for the CDF and ALEPH measurements of sin(2beta), as well as the CLEO branching fraction measurements of B-->Kpi,pipi, which have implications for future measurements of alpha.
  • talk: Stanford 1999/08/09
  • electron positron: colliding beams
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • anti-p p: interaction
  • charm
  • bottom
  • quark: pair production
  • charmed particle: lifetime
  • D0 anti-D0: mixing
  • B/s0 anti-B/s0: interference