The Universality class of the finite temperature transition in two flavor quantum chromodynamics

May, 2000
12 pages
Report number:
  • ANL-HEP-PR-00-49

Citations per year

We have simulated lattice QCD directly in the chiral limit of zero quark mass by adding an additional, irrelevant 4-fermion interaction to the standard action. Using lattices having temporal extent of six and spatial extents of twelve and eighteen, we find that the theory with 2 massless staggered quark flavors has a second order finite temperature phase transition. The critical exponents βmag\beta_{mag}, δ\delta and ν\nu are measured and favour tricritical behaviour over that expected by universality arguments. The pion screening mass is consistent with zero below the transition, but is degenerate with the nonzero σ(f0)\sigma(f_0) mass above the transition, indicating the restoration of chiral symmetry.
  • lattice field theory
  • quantum chromodynamics
  • flavor: 2
  • quark: massless
  • symmetry: chiral
  • four-fermion interaction
  • critical phenomena: finite temperature
  • universality
  • dimensional reduction
  • pi: mass