SU(N) gauge theories in four-dimensions: Exploring the approach to N = infinity
Mar, 200139 pages
Published in:
- JHEP 06 (2001) 050
- hep-lat/0103027 [hep-lat]
Report number:
- OUTP-01-17-P
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We calculate the string tension, K, and some of the lightest glueball masses, M, in 3+1 dimensional SU(N) lattice gauge theories for N=2,3,4,5 . From the continuum extrapolation of the lattice values, we find that the mass ratios, M/sqrt(K), appear to show a rapid approach to the large-N limit, and, indeed, can be described all the way down to SU(2) using just a leading O(1/NxN) correction. We confirm that the smooth large-N limit we find, is obtained by keeping a constant 't Hooft coupling. We also calculate the topological charge of the gauge fields. We observe that, as expected, the density of small-size instantons vanishes rapidly as N increases, while the topological susceptibility appears to have a non-zero N=infinity limit.- gauge field theory: SU(N)
- expansion 1/N
- lattice field theory
- string tension
- glueball: mass
- charge: topological
- instanton: density
- continuum limit
- numerical calculations: Monte Carlo