SU(3) lattice QCD study for static three quark potential
Jul, 2001
8 pages
Part of Hadrons and nuclei. Proceedings, 1st International Symposium, Seoul, Korea, February 20-22, 2001, 341-348
Published in:
- AIP Conf.Proc. 594 (2002) 1, 341-348
Contribution to:
- Published: Feb 20, 2002
- hep-lat/0107008 [hep-lat]
Report number:
- RCNP-TH01013
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We study the static three-quark (3Q) potential in detail using SU(3) lattice QCD with at and at at the quenched level. For more than 200 patterns of the 3Q systems, we numerically derive 3Q ground-state potential from the 3Q Wilson loop with the smearing technique, which reduces excited-state contaminations. The lattice QCD data of are well reproduced within a few % deviation by a sum of a constant, the two-body Coulomb term and the three-body linear confinement term , with the minimal value of total length of color flux tubes linking the three quarks. From the comparison with the Q- potential, we find a universality of the string tension as and the one-gluon-exchange result for Coulomb coefficients, .- lattice field theory
- gauge field theory: SU(3)
- bound state: (3quark)
- ground state: potential
- approximation: quenching
- Wilson loop
- color: flux tube
- string tension: universality
- gluon: exchange
- numerical calculations: Monte Carlo