The Euclidean spectrum of Kaplan's lattice chiral fermions

Dec, 1992
17 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 305 (1993) 357-365
Report number:
  • WIS-92-97-12-PH

Citations per year

We consider the (2n+1)-dimensional euclidean Dirac operator with a mass term that looks like a domain wall, recently proposed by Kaplan to describe chiral fermions in 2n2n dimensions. In the continuum case we show that the euclidean spectrum contains {\it no} bound states with non-zero momentum. On the lattice, a bound state spectrum without energy gap exists only if mm is fine tuned to some special values, and the dispersion relation does not describe a relativistic fermion. In spite of these peculiarities, the fermionic propagator {\it has} the expected (1/p-slash) pole on the domain wall. But there may be a problem with the phase of the fermionic determinant at the non-perturbative level.
  • gauge field theory: chiral
  • fermion: lattice field theory
  • operator: Dirac
  • energy spectrum
  • bound state
  • fermion: propagator
  • domain wall
  • dimension: 5