Towards a dynamical solution of the strong CP problem

Mar, 1994

Citations per year

It is argued that QCD might solve the strong CP problem on its own. To test this idea, a lattice simulation suggests itself. In view of the difficulty of such a calculation we have, as a first step, investigated the problem in the CP 3CP~3 model. The CP 3CP~3 model is in many respects similar to QCD. In this talk I shall present some first results of our calculation. Among other things it is shown that the model has a first order deconfining phase transition in θ\theta and that the critical value of θ\theta decreases towards zero as β\beta is taken to infinity. This suggests that θ\theta is tuned to zero in the continuum limit.
  • 8 pages, postscript file, DESY 94-031, HLRZ 94-13, talk given at the Third KEK Topical Conference on CP Violation
  • talk
  • CP: violation
  • strong interaction: CP
  • CP: strong interaction
  • lattice field theory
  • dimension: 2
  • field theoretical model: CP(3)
  • critical phenomena
  • continuum limit
  • charge: topological