Real space renormalization group analysis of U(1) gauge theory with Theta term in two-dimensions

Oct, 1994
24 pages
Published in:
  • Prog.Theor.Phys. 93 (1995) 161-172
Report number:
  • KYUSHU-HET-20,
  • SAGA-HE-72

Citations per year

(Abstracts ) U(1) lattice gauge theory with θ\theta-term is investigated by real space renormalization group approach. Flows of renormalized coupling constants are analyzed. For each θ\theta, renormalization flows converge to a single trajectory irrespective of bare coupling constants of real action. For θπ\theta \not= \pi the system is in the confinement phase controlled by an infrared fixed point. We found a phase transition at θ=π\theta = \pi. Imaginary part of the action given by θ\theta-term stays fixed under renormalization group transformations leading to deconfinement. \par
  • plaintex 14 pages and 9 figures,( Figures will be sent upon request.)
  • gauge field theory: U(1)
  • Theta parameter
  • dimension: 2
  • lattice field theory
  • renormalization group: transformation
  • numerical calculations: Monte Carlo