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Results for fBf_B, fBsf_{B_s}, fDf_D, fDsf_{D_s}, and their ratios are presented. High statistics quenched runs at β=5.7\beta=5.7, 5.855.85, 6.06.0, and 6.36.3, plus a run still in progress at β=6.52\beta=6.52 make possible a preliminary extrapolation to the continuum. The data allows good control of all systematic errors except for quenching, although not all of the error estimates have been finalized. Results from configurations which include effects of dynamical quarks show a significant deviation from the quenched results and make possible a crude estimate of the quenching error.
  • talk
  • gauge field theory: SU(3)
  • fermion: lattice field theory
  • B: decay constant
  • decay constant: B
  • B/s: decay constant
  • decay constant: B/s
  • D: decay constant
  • decay constant: D
  • D/s: decay constant