Complex structures are determined for surfaces with S 2S~2 and T 2T~2 topologies generated by the dynamical triangulation method. For a surface with S 2S~2 topology the spacial distribution of the conformal mode is obtained, while for the case of T 2T~2 topology the distribution of the moduli parameter is calculated. It is also shown that the network of Feynman diagrams of massive ϕ 3\phi~3 scalar theory has a unique complex structure. This gives a numerical justification of the hadronic string model for explaining the n-particle dual amplitude.
  • talk: Osaka 1995/12/14
  • string model
  • topology
  • random surface: triangulation
  • phi**n model: 3
  • Feynman graph
  • hadron: model
  • numerical calculations
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