Scaling behavior at the tricritical point in the fermion gauge scalar model

Jul, 1996

Citations per year

We investigate a strongly coupled U(1) gauge theory with fermions and scalars on the lattice and analyze whether the continuum limit might be a renormalizable theory with dynamical mass generation. Most attention is paid to the phase with broken chiral symmetry in the vicinity of the tricritical point found in the model. There we investigate the scaling of the masses of the composite fermion and of some bosonic bound states. As a by-product we confirm the mean-field exponents at the endpoint in the U(1)-Higgs model, by analyzing the scaling of the Fisher zeros.
  • Talk presented at LATTICE96(other models), 4 pages Report-no: Juelich, HLRZ 51/96
  • talk: St. Louis 1996/06/04
  • lattice field theory
  • gauge field theory: U(1)
  • field theory: strong coupling
  • continuum limit
  • critical phenomena
  • symmetry breaking: chiral
  • fermion: mass
  • boson: bound state
  • scaling: finite size