Mass gap, Abelian dominance and vortex dynamics in SU(2) spin model

May, 1997
12 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 423 (1998) 130-136
Report number:
  • KANAZAWA-97-05

Citations per year

We discuss a new approach to the investigation of the nature of the mass gap in spin systems with continuous global symmetries which is much analogous to the method of abelian projection in the gauge theories. We suggest that the abelian degrees of freedom, in particular, abelian vortices are responsible for the mass gap generation phenomena in the non-abelian spin systems. To check our hypothesis we study numerically the three-dimensional SU(2) spin model in the Maximal Abelian projection. We find that the abelian mass gap in the projected theory coincides with the full non-abelian mass gap within numerical errors. The study of the percolation properties of the abelian vortex trajectories shows that the phase transition and the mass gap generation in the 3D SU(2) spin model are driven by the abelian vortex condensation.
  • lattice field theory
  • spin: model
  • symmetry: SU(2)
  • dimension: 3
  • mass: gap
  • gauge fixing: abelian
  • vortex: condensation
  • critical phenomena: percolation
  • numerical calculations