A brief summary of the formulation of QCD at finite chemical potental, μ\mu, is presented. The failure of the quenched approximation to the problem is reviewed. Results are presented for dynamical simulations of the theory at strong and intermediate couplings. We find that the problems associated with the quenched theory persist: the onset of non-zero quark number does seem to occur at a chemical potential mπ2\approx { {m_{\pi}} \over 2}. However analysis of the Lee-Yang zeros of the grand canonical partition function in the complex fugacity plane, (eμ/Te^{\mu/T}), does show signals of critical behaviour in the expected region of chemical potential. Results are presented for a simulation at finite density of the Gross-Neveu model on a 16316^3 lattice near to the chiral limit. Contrary to our simulations of QCD no pathologies were found when μ\mu passed through the value m_{\pi}/2}.
  • 14 pages, Latex, 18 eps figures, Review for Tsukuba workshop
  • talk: Tsukuba 1997/03/10
  • fermion: lattice field theory
  • gauge field theory: SU(3)
  • density: finite
  • approximation: quenching
  • potential: chemical
  • partition function: 0
  • critical phenomena
  • Gross-Neveu model: U(1)
  • quark: static