Heavy quarkonia at high temperature
Jul, 1997Citations per year
We present a new method to study the properties of heavy quarks at finite temperature. It combines non-relativistic QCD with an improved gluonic action on anisotropic lattices. The efficiency of the approach is demonstrated by the first non-perturbative calculation of the temperature dependence of low-lying quarkonium "pole" masses. For ground state meson masses in the region between charmonium and bottomonium we find only very little variation up to our highest temperature which corresponds to T approximately 1.2 Tc while first excited states indicate a large mass shift.- 11.10.Wx
- 11.15.Ha
- 12.38.Mh
- 12.39.Jh
- Lattice field theory
- Finite temperature
- Non-relativistic QCD
- lattice field theory
- quantum chromodynamics: nonrelativistic
- finite temperature