Scaling study of the two flavor chiral phase transition with the Kogut-Susskind quark action in lattice QCD

Oct, 1998
29 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 57 (1998) 3910-3922
Report number:
  • KEK-CP-063,
  • KEK-PREPRINT-97-181

Citations per year

We report on a study of two-flavor finite-temperature chiral phase transition employing the Kogut-Susskind quark action and the plaquette gluon action in lattice QCD for a lattice with Nt=4N_t=4 temporal size. Hybrid R simulations of 10410^4 trajectories are made at quark masses of mq=0.075,0.0375,0.02,0.01m_q=0.075, 0.0375, 0.02, 0.01 in lattice units for the spatial sizes 83,1238^3, 12^3 and 16316^3. The spatial size dependence of various susceptibilities confirm the previous conclusion of the absence of a phase transition down to mq=0.02m_q=0.02. At mq=0.01m_q=0.01 an increase of susceptibilities is observed up to the largest volume 16316^3 explored in the present work. We argue, however, that this increase is likely to be due to an artifact of too small a lattice size and it cannot be taken to be the evidence for a first-order transition. Analysis of critical exponents estimated from the quark mass dependence of susceptibilities shows that they satisfy hyperscaling consistent with a second-order transition located at mq=0m_q=0. The exponents obtained from larger lattice, however, deviate significantly from both those of O(2), which is the exact symmetry group of the Kogut-Susskind action at finite lattice spacing, and those of O(4) expected from an effective sigma model analysis in the continuum limit.
  • 29 pages, Latex(epsf), 11 ps figures
  • lattice field theory: action
  • gauge field theory: SU(3)
  • critical phenomena: finite temperature
  • symmetry: chiral
  • flavor: 2
  • quark: mass
  • susceptibility
  • scaling: finite size
  • continuum limit
  • numerical calculations: Monte Carlo