How could the proton transversity be measured?
Sep, 19996 pages
Published in:
- Czech.J.Phys. 50S1 (2000) 95-100
Contribution to:
- hep-ph/0001214 [hep-ph]
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The perspectives of two new nonstandard methods of transversal quark polarization measurement are considered: the jet handedness and the so-called "Collins effect" due to spin dependent T-odd fragmentation function responsible for the left-right asymmetry in fragmenting of transversally polarized quarks. Recent experimental indications in favor of these effects are observed: 1.The correlation of the T-odd one-particle fragmentation functions found by DELPHI in -jet decay. Integrated over the fraction of longitudinal and transversal momenta, this correlation is of 1.6% order, which means order of 13% for the analyzing power. 2.A rather large () handedness transversal to the production plane observed in the diffractive production of () triples from nuclei by the --beam. It shows a clear dynamic origin and resembles the single spin asymmetry behavior. All this makes us hope to use these effects in polarized DIS experiments for transversity measurement. The first estimation of transversity was done by using the azimuthal asymmetry in semi-inclusive DIS recently measured by HERMES and SMC.Note:
- 8 pages, Latex, czjphys2.sty. Talk at Int. Workshop "PRAHA-SPIN99", Prague 6-11 Sept 1999. To appear in Czech.J.Phys Suppl
- talk: Prague 1999/09/05
- p: structure function
- quark: polarization
- polarization: transverse
- lepton nucleon: deep inelastic scattering
- structure function: spin
- quark: fragmentation function
- electron positron: annihilation
- jet: electroproduction
- hadron: electroproduction