A Phenomenological expression for deuteron electromagnetic form-factors based on perturbative QCD predictions

May, 2000
9 pages
Published in:
  • Commun.Theor.Phys. 34 (2000) 663-668

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0 Citations
For deuteron electromagnetic form factors,perturbative QCD(pQCD) predicts that G00+G^{+}_{00} becomes the dominate helicity amplitude and that G+0+G^{+}_{+0} and G++G^{+}_{+-} are suppressed by factors ΛQCD/Q\Lambda_{\rm QCD}/Q and ΛQCD2/Q2\Lambda_{\rm QCD}^2/Q^2 at large Q2Q^2,respectively. We try to discuss the higher order corrections beyond the pQCD asymptotic predictions by interpolating an analytical form to the intermediate energy region. From fitting the data,our results show that the helicity-zero to zero matrix element G00+G^{+}_{00} dominates the gross structure function A(Q2)A(Q^2) in both of the large and intermediate energy regions; it is a good approximation for G++G^{+}_{+-} to ignore the higher order contributions and the higher order corrections to G+0+G^{+}_{+0} should be taken into account due to sizeable contributions in the intermediate energy region.
  • 9 pages,3 figures
  • deuteron: form factor
  • quantum chromodynamics: Lambda parameter
  • perturbation theory
  • asymptotic behavior
  • correction: higher-order
  • helicity
  • structure function: energy dependence
  • polarization: tensor
  • numerical calculations: interpretation of experiments