CP asymmetry measurements in and the CKM paradigm
Mar, 200120 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 508 (2001) 17-24
- hep-ph/0103197 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- AMES-HET-01-02,
- BNL-HET-01-9
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Abstract: (Elsevier)
Recent experimental observations of CP asymmetry in B→J/ψ +K 0 constitute the first significant signal of CP-violation outside the neutral kaon system; thus they represent an important milestone to test the CKM paradigm. We, therefore, undertake a critical appraisal of the existing experimental and theoretical inputs used to deduce constraints on sin2 β and other important parameters and thus find, in particular, sin2 β >0.47 at 95% CL which is completely compatible with the combined experimental result: sin2 β =0.48±0.16, representing an important success of the CKM model of CP-violation. Searches for new physics in B decays to J/ψ +K 0 like final states will require improved precision; we make some suggestions to facilitate these. We also present a global fit including the new CP asymmetry measurements in B→J/ψ +K 0 as an additional input yielding, e.g., γ =(29°→67°), η ̄ =(0.20→0.37) , ρ ̄ =(0.08→0.36) , J CP =(1.8→3.1)×10 −5 , Br (K + →π + ν ν ̄ )=(0.52→0.92)×10 −10 , Br (K L →π 0 ν ν ̄ )=(0.11→0.31)×10 −10 and Δm B s =(15.2–28.3) ps −1 , all at 95% CL.Note:
- 20 pages, 5 figures: In this version, which is to appear in Phys. Lett. B, we have: 1) corrected a minor error in the fitting algorithm which lowers the lower bound on rho-bar somewhat, 2) deleted figure 4(b) to save space and in figures 1(a), 4 and 5 we have included the 2-sigma (theory) error on x_i in displaying the Bs oscillation bound, 3) also added a short paragraph on page 5 comparing our results to those in the 2000 Particle Data Book article by Gilman et. al. and a footnote (#28) concerning the comparison with the scaning method of Ref 16
- B: hadronic decay
- meson: pair production
- J/psi(3100)
- K0
- CP: violation
- CKM matrix: unitarity
- numerical calculations: interpretation of experiments
- B --> J/psi(3100) K0
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