Search for a(0)(980) and f(0)(980) mesons in phi ---> gamma K anti-K
Jun, 2001Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We study the decay taking into account the scalar mesons production and the final state radiation. We note that the relative sign between the final state radiation amplitude and the scalar meson production amplitude is fixed in the loop model which describes data on the and decays. As consequence this model predicts the definite interference between the final state radiation and the scalar resonance production amplitudes. We calculate the mass spectra of the decay and the differential cross-sections for and for reactions.Note:
- typos removed
- Phi(1020): radiative decay
- K: pair production
- decay: exclusive reaction
- electron positron: annihilation
- Phi(1020): electroproduction
- a0(980)
- f0(980)
- Feynman graph
- amplitude analysis
- interference