An Example of resonance saturation at one loop
Jul, 2001
Citations per year
We argue that the large-Nc expansion of QCD can be used to treat a Lagrangian of resonances in a perturbative way. As an illustration of this we compute the L_10 coupling of the Chiral Lagrangian by integrating out resonance fields at one loop. Given a Lagrangian and a renormalization scheme, this is how in principle one can answer in a concrete and unambiguous manner questions such as at what scale resonance saturation takes place.- 11.15.Pg
- 12.39.Fe
- 11.30.Rd
- quantum chromodynamics
- expansion 1/N: color
- effective Lagrangian
- symmetry: chiral
- resonance
- perturbation theory: higher-order
- tree approximation