J / psi suppression in Pb + Pb collisions: A Conventional description
Sep, 2001Citations per year
We have analyzed the latest NA50 data on suppression in Pb + Pb collisions. production is assumed to be a two step process, (i) formation of pair, which is accurately calculable in QCD and (ii) formation of meson from the pair, which can be conveniently parameterized. In a pA/AA collision, the as the pair pass through the nuclear medium, it gain relative square momentum at the rate of per unit path length. As a result, some of the pairs can gain enough momentum to cross the threshold to become an open charm meson, leading to suppression in pA/AA collisions. The parameters of the model were fixed from experimental data on the total cross section as a function of effective nuclear length. The model without any free parameter, give excellent description of NA50 data on dependence of to Drell-Yan ratio. The model was applied to predict the dependence of at RHIC energy. Much larger suppression of , in agreement with other model calculations are predicted.- p nucleus: nuclear reaction
- scattering: heavy ion
- lead
- J/psi(3100): yield
- transverse energy: dependence
- nuclear reaction: model
- quantum chromodynamics
- quark: pair production
- quark: charm
- numerical calculations