Dynamical symmetry breaking of massless lambda phi**4 and renormalization scheme dependence

Dec, 2001
9 pages

Citations per year

Through two loop effective potential we demonstrate that the MSˉ\bar{MS} scheme of dimensional regularization and Jackiw's prescription in cut-off regularization allow for the dynamical breaking solution in massless λϕ4\lambda\phi^4 theory, while the Coleman-Weinberg prescription does not. The beta function of the broken phase is negative, like in the one loop effective potential, but the UV fixed point is not zero, i.e., not an asymptotic freedom solution, unlike the one loop case. Some related issues were briefly discussed.
  • phi**n model: 4
  • dynamical symmetry breaking
  • renormalization
  • effective potential
  • regularization
  • beta function
  • vacuum state: energy state