TASI lectures on weak scale supersymmetry: A Top motivated bottom up approach
Feb, 2002Citations per year
Introduction, Perspective - since particle physics beyond the SM is presently in an incoherent state, with lots of static, a long introduction is needed, including some history of the supersymmetry revolutions, physics not described by the SM, indirect evidence for low energy supersymmetry and how flavor physics should be approached. Derive the supersymmetric Lagrangian - the superpotential W. Soft supersymmetry breaking - underlying physics - the general soft-breaking Lagrangian - the MSSM. The \mu opportunity - R-parity conservation. Count of parameters - constraints - measuring the parameters. Connecting the weak and unification scale. Derivation of the Higgs mechanism - in what sense does supersymmetry explain the Higgs physics. The Higgs spectrum - \tan\beta, Yukawa couplings, constraints. LEP Higgs physics - Tevatron Higgs physics can confirm the Higgs mechanism and coupling proportional to mass - measurements in the Higgs sector. gluino, Neutralino, Chargino - cannot in general measure \tan\beta at hadron colliders. Effects of soft phases - all observables, not only CPV ones, g-2, EDMs, gluino phase, LSP CDM, possible connections to stringy physics. Phase structure of simple D-brane models. Tevatron superpartner searches, signatures. Extensions of the MSSM. The importance of low scale supersymmetry is not only that we learn of another profound aspect of our world, but also to provide a window to Planck scale physics, in order to connect string theory and our world.- lectures: Boulder 2001/06/03
- gauge field theory: SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1)
- supersymmetry
- grand unified theory
- sparticle: mass
- effective Lagrangian: superfield
- renormalization
- electroweak interaction
- symmetry breaking
- Wess-Zumino model