A**b(FB) and R(b) at LEP and new right-handed gauge bosons
Apr, 2003Citations per year
We explore models with additional right-handed gauge bosons that couple predominantly to the third generation in the context of production at LEP. In particular we investigate potential new contributions to that are needed if the measured at the peak is interpreted as a signal of new physics. We identify two sources of large corrections: mixing at tree-level, and one-loop effects from a new triplet of gauge bosons. We find that the latter can contribute to at the 1%-level. We place bounds on the mass of the additional gauge boson that occurs in these models using the measurements from LEP-II. We find that even in cases where the couples almost exclusively to the and -quarks, masses lighter than about 500 GeV are already excluded.- 14.70.-e
- 12.15.-y
- 12.60.-i
- electron positron: annihilation
- Z0: electroproduction
- Z0: hadronic decay
- bottom: pair production
- angular distribution: asymmetry
- gauge boson: right-handed
- Z': mixing angle