The recent discoveries by the BaBar and CLEO II collaborations on the splitting between DsD_s and D~s{\tilde D}_s which exhibited surprises in the structure of heavy-light-quark systems are connected -- via the Harada-Yamawaki vector manifestation of hidden local symmetry -- to chiral symmetry restoration expected to take place at some critical temperature TcT_c in heavy-ion collisions or at some critical density ncn_c in the deep interior of compact stars, the main theme of this symposium. This unexpected connection exemplifies the diversity of astro-hadronic phenomena discussed in this meeting.
  • Concluding talk at the KIAS-APCTP Symposium in Astro-Hadron Physics "Compact Stars: Quest for New States of Dense Matter," November 10-14, 2003, Seoul, Korea
  • talk: Seoul 2003/11/10
  • matter: hadronic
  • symmetry: chiral
  • hidden symmetry
  • critical phenomena
  • astrophysics
  • scattering: heavy ion
  • vector meson: mass
  • meson: heavy
  • effective Lagrangian