Higgs production in association with a vector boson pair at future e+ e- colliders

Jun, 1993
23 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 424 (1994) 343-373
Report number:
  • CERN-TH-6932-93,
  • ENSLAPP-A-425-93,
  • LMU-10-93

Citations per year

%%%%%%%%%%% Abstract %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% We study Higgs boson production in association with a pair of electroweak vector bosons (WW,ZZ,ZγWW,ZZ,Z\gamma) at future \epem colliders in the framework of the Standard Model. Total cross sections and distributions for the intermediate-mass Higgs are presented, with special emphasis on the Next Linear Collider (NLC) case operating at a centre-of-mass energy s500\sqrt{s} \simeq 500 GeV, where the cross sections turn out to be more favourable than in larger-s\sqrt{s} collisions. We find that with an integrated luminosity of 20 fb 1~{-1} there is a sizeable event rate for the HWWHWW and HZγHZ\gamma (with a high pT γp_T~{\gamma}) channels, while a larger integrated luminosity is needed to study the HZZHZZ production. We take into account various backgrounds, notably top-pair and triple vector-boson production, and show ways to significantly reduce their effects.
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • annihilation: electron positron
  • intermediate boson: pair production
  • pair production: intermediate boson
  • Higgs particle: associated production
  • associated production: Higgs particle
  • Higgs particle: mass
  • mass: Higgs particle
  • factorization
  • channel cross section: mass