Physics of selfinteracting electroweak bosons
Dec, 199414 pages
Part of Beyond the standard model 4. Proceedings, 4th International Conference on High-Energy Physics, Tahoe City, USA, December 13-18, 1994, 113-124
Contribution to:
- hep-ph/9504409 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- ENSLAPP-A-513-95
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I will argue why and how it is that precise measurements of the self-couplings of the weak vector bosons are a vista on the mechanism of symmetry breaking. Guided by what we have learnt from the present precision data, it is suggested which of the many so-called anomalous self-couplings should be given priority in future searches. Expected limits from the upcoming colliders on the parameters describing non minimal couplings are updated. I will also point at the complementarity between the LHC and the Next Linear Collider as concerns physics and discuss some of the important issues about radiative corrections and backgrounds that need further studies in order that one conducts high precision analysis at high energies.Note:
- 14 pages, LateX, uses epsf, 3 .eps figs. (in a separate uuencoded tar file), full paper (including figs) is also available via www at or via anonymous ftp at Report-no: ENSLAPP-A-513/95
- talk
- electroweak interaction: validity test
- validity test: electroweak interaction
- symmetry breaking
- gauge boson: coupling
- coupling: gauge boson
- anomaly
- effective Lagrangian
- vertex function: (2W gauge boson)
- vertex function: (2W 2gauge boson)