Towards a unified origin of forces, families and mass scales
Apr, 199520 pages
Part of B physics: Physics beyond the standard model at the B factory. Proceedings, International Workshop, Nagoya, Japan, October 26-28, 1994, 0164-181
Contribution to:
- hep-ph/9505227 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- IASSNS-HEP-95-11
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A case is made for an alternative approach to unification that is based on a {\it purely gauge origin of the fundamental forces}, and is thus devoid of the Higgs-sector altogether. This approach seems to call for the ideas of local supersymmetry and preons. The advantage of this marriage of the ideas of local supersymmetry and preons, subject to two broad dynamical assumptions which are specified, are noted. These include true economy and viability as well as an understanding of the origins of (a) family-replication, (b) inter-family mass-hierarchy, and (c) diverse mass-scales which span from to to to . In short, the approach seems capable of providing {\it a unified origin of the forces, the families and the mass-scales}. In the process, the preonic approach provides the scope for synthesizing a rich variety of phenomena all of which could arise dynamically through one and the same tool -- the SUSY metacolor force coupled with gravity -- at the scale of . The phenomena include: (i) spontaneous violations of parity, CP, B-L and Peccei-Quinn symmetry, (ii) origin of heavy Majorana mass for , (iii) SUSY breaking, (iv) origins of even and , as well as, (v) inflation and lepto/baryo-genesis. Some intriguing experimental consequences of the new approach which could show at LEPI, LEPII and Tevatron and a {\it crucial prediction} which can be probed at the LHC and NLC are presented.- talk: Osaka 1994/10/26
- talk: Puri 1994/12/10
- talk: Shantiniketan 1994/12/28
- grand unified theory
- supersymmetry
- model: composite
- string model
- coupling constant
- p: decay
- decay: p
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