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This series of five lectures describes aspects of CP violation, emphasizing its description within the standard electroweak model. After discussing the kaon system, the only place in which CP violation has been seen so far, we turn to the leading contender for the effect, complex phases in the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix. A number of suggestions are made for improved tests of the standard picture. Hadrons containing bb quarks play a key role in this program, and are discussed separately. We also mention a number of non-standard and speculative aspects of CP violation, including alternatives to the CKM description, direct tests of time reversal invariance, and baryogenesis.
  • lectures: Rio de Janeiro 1995/02/07
  • CP: violation
  • K0: decay modes
  • decay modes: K0
  • K0 anti-K0: mixing
  • Kobayashi-Maskawa model
  • B0 anti-B0: mixing
  • B: decay modes
  • decay modes: B
  • bottom meson: hadron spectroscopy